
Published on May 11th, 2023 | by Biz Books

3 Books Every Actor Should Read Before They Die

There are a million books on acting out there, but here are 3 we think EVERY actor should read before they die!

The Intent to Live: Achieving Your True Potential as an Actor by Larry Moss

Far more than a handbook, The Intent to Live is the personal credo of a master teacher. His respect for actors and love of the actor’s craft enliven every page, together with examples from a wealth of plays and films, both current and classic, and vivid appreciations of great performances. Whether you act for a living or simply want a deeper understanding of acting greatness, The Intent to Live will move, instruct, and inspire you.

Available for $22.95 here!

Actions: The Actors’ Thesaurus by Marina Caldarone & Maggie Lloyd-Williams

ActionsThe Actors’ Thesaurus is a no-nonsense book that every actor and director must also have in rehearsals. Long a secret of the acting community are those random lists of action words (in very dog-eared photocopy format) that circulate through rehearsal rooms. Actioning is a widely used rehearsal and performance technique: this thesaurus of active verbs pulls these vital action-words together and makes them available in an organized and comprehensive format, with which the actor can refine the action-word until s/he hits exactly the right one to help make the action come alive.

Available for $26.95 here!

F*ck Your Comfort Zone: Take a Risk & Become the Lead in Your Own Life by Margie Haber

Celebrated acting and audition coach Margie Haber has spent over 40 years teaching celebrities and top actors from around the world. She will gently and compassionately guide you out of your comfort zone and into a life of bravery, risk-taking, and being the best version of yourself. With Margie’s help, you will learn how to transform your fear into personal power and approach life with empathy, humour, and curiosity. It will change everything.

Available for $31.95 here!

Want more books for Acting? Check out our entire selection!

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