Guest Posts

Published on May 5th, 2010 | by Biz Books


Guest Post: “Jon Reiss’ TOTBO Tip of the Day 13 – Introducing the Producer of Marketing and Distribution or PMD”

As a filmmaker, I have thought a lot about complaints from filmmakers of all these new tasks that we are responsible for in distribution and marketing. And this is how I came up with the concept of the Producer of Marketing and Distribution or PMD. Just like you most likely did not make the film on your own, you should not be distributing and marketing the film on your own. I would argue that from now on, every film needs one person devoted to the distribution and marketing of the film from inception, just as they have a line producer, assistant director, or editor. I gave this crew position the official title of PMD since we need to train people to do this task, give classes in it, write books about it, just as people are educated (or learn on their own) to become DPs.

My workshops start this week in London and next week in Amsterdam. Check out the TOTBO site for more information. Comment here or on my blog, or @Jon_Reiss on twitter, or on the TOTBO Facebook page. Check out the book here. I look forward to hearing from you.

Recommended Reading Producing for Profit Click a cover for more details Directors Tell the Story The Cheerful Subversive's Guide
to Independent Filmmaking
Recommended Reading Producing for Profit Click a cover for more details Directors Tell the Story The Cheerful Subversive's Guide
to Independent Filmmaking

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